Alliance Brawl Milestone 6

Hey Kabam, could you maybe consider adding a 6th milestone to the Alliance Brawl event and putting in some t3b catalysts? Sprinkling a few more around the contest here and there would be nice, too. It's super tedious having to go back to the basic/beginner/intermediate catalyst events to grind some out but for the majority of them.. (t1b, t2b, t2cc, t3cc) you pick up enough from various events that it's usually never a big problem. In the case of t1cc, once you move on to 4* heroes you don't really need them anymore so it doesn't matter. But t3b you need tons and tons and tons of them and unless you do the event every day you'll probably never have enough. It's not hard it's just tedious. With the move toward 5*s and 6* this would make sense.