[ODAL] - Organized Alliance Need 2 Lane Clearers +5000 prestige

Odin's Almighty
Tag - ODAL

Map 5 x 5 (with sprikled in Map 6 in near future)

We run 5x5 with some map 6 in the near future. We clear 15/15 and we expect everyone to complete their paths. There are 3 day minimums (not including Arena) and we expect communication if you cannot participate for whatever reason. We respect the members of our alliance who bust their @$$ in this game. This means that we kick those that leech on the efforts of others.

Currently we rank ~950 in AQ & Tier 2/3 in AW.

Contact Info
Kishote ign, Kishote1 on line
Dorito5 (line or ign are same)

Requirements: Prestige: ~5000 (or 4700 w/ a clear path at 5000)

100k G, 23k BC, 10k Loy

Completion - 15k
Items - 2.5k
Arena (both) - zero
Duels - 650 (we hate it too, but it's easy rewards)


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