Problem building a streak?

AMFAMF Member Posts: 83
Typically, in the basic 4* arena (the one currently featuring Civil Warrior), I am able to get easier matchups (Kang Team, Thanos team, etc) between round 11 and round 20 as long as I take a team of 3/30 4-star champs. After that, I can have a relatively easy infinite streak by taking teams of maxed-out 3* champs to rounds 21 and above.

HOWEVER, when I took a team of 3/30 4-stars to round 12 today, instead of getting the typical Kang/Thanos team I got matched up against a profile more than twice my total team rating. It worked fine for match 11, but not match 12.

Has anybody else experienced this? Is it a glitch or the new status quo?

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