r4 5* Captain Marvel or Drax for LOL

hendroidsvhendroidsv Member Posts: 60
edited January 2018 in Strategy and Tips
Hi, my main objective is to clear the easy path of LOL and these characters are my best options so far. In my masteries I am halfway to open suicides and have deep wounds in 5.
I would like to use the character outside the labyrinth too (AW, AQ or Quests), considering that, I would greatly appreciate your opinions.


r4 5* Captain Marvel or Drax for LOL 28 votes

Captain Marvel Sig 50
CapWW2MSRDLDVladislas22nameplasIron_SkywalkerRasiloverDanny_CupidFooshblalala 9 votes
Drax Sig 20
Arus25CurtleTurtleDuke_Silvershchong2mozzyPrimeSaviour_27 6 votes
Don't do it, wait for another option...
RagamugginGunnervg2782Itay1234212Superman69GamePlayWorldImranSuperSam57nield04DjBabuJakearound10or_StrongNamelezFhfjghhggggjfhfjg 13 votes


  • Speeds80Speeds80 Member Posts: 2,017 ★★★★
    Draxes building furies make him good for long fights like this, basically even when the furies run out he still gets left with an accumulating fury, a little like starlord and his combos but not as powerful, that and the fact that bleed bypasses safeguard make him a pretty good option for lol, there is a documented account if you do a google search and the guy did it for about 3k units with an r4 drax. to be honest I have had him r4 for a year and his main use is war, excellent against evaders and mordo, he is handicapped against any nodes in Story mode that punish active buffs, but for lol he is a good contender
  • GamePlayWorldGamePlayWorld Member Posts: 401
    Don't do it, wait for another option...
    there is many better options just wait
  • KpatrixKpatrix Member Posts: 1,055 ★★★
    9 months later....
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