(Spioler alert) Hows the collector still alive. (Please answer kabam)

My questions hows the collector still alive we kill him in act 5.2.6 he dies the but hows still alive in the age of sentury event quest.
He's basically a god, he can get out of a crystal.
The Collector is NOT dead...if you read the introduction, he appears to be talking to The Sentry, 35 years in the past. He tells Moon Knight he is merely a shell of his former self (which isn’t dead but in a crystal).
What an ****...smh
Makes the fact u said spoiler alert irrelevant
This gave me a chuckle. Lol. Agree with the majority, though. Defeats the purpose.
I went in that fight as aggressive as I was in 5.2 and I destroyed him in no time! Cant wait to face him in the uncollected level!!