Is Ice Armor working properly? [Not A Bug]

Ice armor is not protecting against multihit sp1 or sp2s. Like punisher or doctor strange's sp2. Special attacks should be considered as a "single source" right?
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Ice armor also states the same but instead of 1% its 5%. So he shouldn't also take more than 5% damage from any special attacks. But he only does the same when struck by sp3 or songle component sp1 or sp2. Should that be the case? That's my question.
A single 'hit' is a source. A multiple-hit special or heavy attack is therefore a multiple source except for special 3. So fighting an opponent with Safeguard with Captain Marvel, her heavy attack (with the damage spread over 3 or 4 hits, I forget which) will do up to 3-4% damage, whereas her S1 can only inflict 1%.
Special three attacks are the exception in that when the damage is calculated, (regardless of the effect they have on your combo meter) they always count as a single strike and can't trigger critical hits. Therefore effects such as Safeguard, Magneto's refraction or Iceman's Ice Armour are very effective against them.
A few characters whose abilities are directly affected by the combo meter (Star Lord, Joe Fixit, Cyclops, and now Void/Sentry) might well have some beneficial effects triggered by the rising combo counter; but the actual damage inflicted is nevertheless calculated as a single hit with no criticals.
So if you're fighting someone with Safeguard, don't ever use your S3 attack; choose characters with multi-hit heavy and special attacks; and ideally also with damage over time effects. X-23 is ideal, as she fills all those criteria; and you can either choose to spam the S1 for maximum damage, or to save up power for better regeneration.
Hope that helps clarify things for you!
nice explanation. Got it thanks!