Need alliance

I would like to join a good alliance that is active, donates, nice people and does aq and aw regularly. I'm not looking for a really food alliance, just one that has people that have +30k overall. If you would like to except me, my username is Night_ProwlerX. My top champion is a 5* Angela which I recently got. Plz do accept me to your alliance. Thanks!!!


  • 9792111058getter9792111058getter Member Posts: 11
    U can join us , we are very good , active and experienced.....
    Alliance Name -> FIRST OF HIS NAME
    Alliance Tag -> BOILD
  • Hellstorm_Hellstorm_ Member Posts: 172
    Ok thanks!!!
    Hi I recently created an alliance and I believe you would be an amazing fit if you are still looking
  • Ryder_BuzzRyder_Buzz Member Posts: 15
    Hope you'd like to join us man, my in game name is ElectrixRaiden, I'll try to add you hopefully
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