I think colo. is in major need of a buff, because in his current state, his specials are too predictable and his damage very low, he also lacks any utility at all. I would recommend a new passive where he gains different buffs based on his armor. 1 armor up: knowing his survivability has increased, colossus attacks with increased aggression, gaining fury, increasing his attack by (x) for the duration of the armor up or until another armor up buff is gained. 2 armor up buffs:Excess organic steel becomes sharp, granting a (x) % chance to inflict bleed, dealing (x) direct damage over 7 seconds. 3 armor up buffs: Colossus forms an extra layer of armor, increasing his block proficiency by (x) for the duration of the buff. 4+ buffs: Colossus overloads his organic steel cells, granting him a (x)% chance to regenerate (x) health over 5 seconds. Additionally, he gains true strike, allowing his attack to bypass armor, restinces, and passive evasion until he drops below 4 armor up buffs. I think this would make colossus a viable option for play