12 Mil ally needs 1 player. 5K prestige and map 6 experience

We have openings for 1 possibly 2, dedicated and loyal players to join our well organized, adult based alliance.

We run an alternating AQ schedule of 5x5 and 5-6-5-5-5. 100% completions across 3BGs every time. We expect to be a biweekly t4cc alliance this month.

We run 3 wars/week, tiers 3/4 with no spending.

We hit benchmark milestones in the all events except duels, which we’ve done away with.

What we're looking for:
- 1 or 2 players each with a minimum prestige of 5000+ and a minimum of 1 R4 5* champ with a second on the way.
- players who can clear their AQ paths all 5 days of AQ and show up to do so reliably.
- you must have CHQ app for communicating and do so enough to keep your team up to speed.
- We play in North American timezones, and need teammates who matchup well with us there.
- We are drama free, adults only and a "leave your ego at the door" type of crew. We’re not going to hold your hand at this level, so please have a decent head on your shoulders.

If this sounds like a fit for you, look me up in game or on Line app at Rickthemang or in CHQ at Rickthemang#iTve


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