Medusa featured then basic

Hey everyone, just wanted to hear some info about the featured Medusa crystal. Since she will be coming back as a featured on Jan 11, then released as a basic the following month, what would happen if I save the featured crystal untill February (when she comes out as basic. Would that increase the chances of pulling Medusa?
Or are you talking about 5* crystals? Cause I don’t have an answer for that.
Never thought about that. I suppose it would but only very slightly.
u have a higher chance pulling her upcoming jan 11
otherwise u have same chances of pulling sg as medusa if u wait for basic in feb
you didnt fully understand what OP meant. He wants to buy the featured crystal on Jan 11 but hold it till Medusa joins the basic pool in feb giving him a slightly higher chance at getting her
It doesn't work like that
Its still a featured "medusa" crystal
example,did u ever go into a store to buy a gift for Christmas then wait till Christmas day to see if changed?
No... he understood perfectly. You're correct in that a featured "Medusa" crystal will always be a featured "Medusa" crystal, but the variable part is the basic pool (and sub pool).
The chance to get Medusa is based on the following:
1) Buy and open on Jan 11 - chance to get her as a "featured" champ
2) Buy and open in Feb after she is added to the basic pool - chance to get her is based on her "featured" champ percentage PLUS her chance as part of the basic pool.
Every so slightly higher in Feb.
Anecdotally we already know the chance is way higher, we don't need their input or for them to release the drop rates officially.