Medusa featured then basic

AvoabbasAvoabbas Member Posts: 40
Hey everyone, just wanted to hear some info about the featured Medusa crystal. Since she will be coming back as a featured on Jan 11, then released as a basic the following month, what would happen if I save the featured crystal untill February (when she comes out as basic. Would that increase the chances of pulling Medusa?


  • Rogue42Rogue42 Member Posts: 1,006 ★★★
    Medusa is already in the crystals. I’m assuming that your “released as basic” means her basic arena. Put in the time for the grind and you can guarantee you get her.

    Or are you talking about 5* crystals? Cause I don’t have an answer for that.
  • HulksmasshhHulksmasshh Member Posts: 742 ★★★
    It's been confirmed that the base pools for 5* featured crystals do update retroactively, so you would have slightly better odds if you waited to open. Good idea
  • LeNoirFaineantLeNoirFaineant Member Posts: 8,689 ★★★★★
    Avoabbas wrote: »
    Hey everyone, just wanted to hear some info about the featured Medusa crystal. Since she will be coming back as a featured on Jan 11, then released as a basic the following month, what would happen if I save the featured crystal untill February (when she comes out as basic. Would that increase the chances of pulling Medusa?

    Never thought about that. I suppose it would but only very slightly.
  • Vision_41Vision_41 Member Posts: 721
    Possibly, but the droprates has not been revealed yet.
  • Grimv717Grimv717 Member Posts: 96
    I think it would lower your odds because by waiting you’re also adding 5 other champs to the basic pool, not just her, and also other champs to the sub featured pool that come out between now and February, which would be Sentry (who you don’t want) and Void
  • AvoabbasAvoabbas Member Posts: 40
    Intresting point lol
  • LeNoirFaineantLeNoirFaineant Member Posts: 8,689 ★★★★★
    No, you would still have a better chance because you would have the featured and the basic but the difference is so small I don't think it matters.
  • Buck_BleedstoneBuck_Bleedstone Member Posts: 58
    edited January 2018
    Slightly better odds to get her by waiting until the additions in February. Plus blade and mephisto should be added to the basic crystal if they continue with six champs added per month. Sentry won't hit the basic crystal in February, and the sub featured pool is a low chance.
  • ContestOfNoobsContestOfNoobs Member Posts: 2,145 ★★★★★
    don't listen to these guys

    u have a higher chance pulling her upcoming jan 11

    otherwise u have same chances of pulling sg as medusa if u wait for basic in feb

  • gohard123gohard123 Member Posts: 1,017 ★★★
    don't listen to these guys

    u have a higher chance pulling her upcoming jan 11

    otherwise u have same chances of pulling sg as medusa if u wait for basic in feb

    you didnt fully understand what OP meant. He wants to buy the featured crystal on Jan 11 but hold it till Medusa joins the basic pool in feb giving him a slightly higher chance at getting her
  • ContestOfNoobsContestOfNoobs Member Posts: 2,145 ★★★★★
    gohard123 wrote: »
    don't listen to these guys

    u have a higher chance pulling her upcoming jan 11

    otherwise u have same chances of pulling sg as medusa if u wait for basic in feb

    you didnt fully understand what OP meant. He wants to buy the featured crystal on Jan 11 but hold it till Medusa joins the basic pool in feb giving him a slightly higher chance at getting her

    It doesn't work like that
    Its still a featured "medusa" crystal

    example,did u ever go into a store to buy a gift for Christmas then wait till Christmas day to see if changed?
  • HuonuoHuonuo Member Posts: 42
    Very interesting point, and It would be great to get some inputs from Mods, @Kabam Miike @Ad0ra_ ? For the feature rerun, would the chance of getting feature be much better than getting them from basics? Otherwise it hardly justify the hefty 50% premium over basic. This gets back to the early topic of Kabam comply with App store policy of release loot box drop rate, we have been shooting darts in the dark for so long.
  • RedRoosterRedRooster Member Posts: 337 ★★
    gohard123 wrote: »
    don't listen to these guys

    u have a higher chance pulling her upcoming jan 11

    otherwise u have same chances of pulling sg as medusa if u wait for basic in feb

    you didnt fully understand what OP meant. He wants to buy the featured crystal on Jan 11 but hold it till Medusa joins the basic pool in feb giving him a slightly higher chance at getting her

    It doesn't work like that
    Its still a featured "medusa" crystal

    example,did u ever go into a store to buy a gift for Christmas then wait till Christmas day to see if changed?

    No... he understood perfectly. You're correct in that a featured "Medusa" crystal will always be a featured "Medusa" crystal, but the variable part is the basic pool (and sub pool).

    The chance to get Medusa is based on the following:
    1) Buy and open on Jan 11 - chance to get her as a "featured" champ
    2) Buy and open in Feb after she is added to the basic pool - chance to get her is based on her "featured" champ percentage PLUS her chance as part of the basic pool.

    Every so slightly higher in Feb.
  • RedRoosterRedRooster Member Posts: 337 ★★
    Huonuo wrote: »
    Very interesting point, and It would be great to get some inputs from Mods, @Kabam Miike @Ad0ra_ ? For the feature rerun, would the chance of getting feature be much better than getting them from basics? Otherwise it hardly justify the hefty 50% premium over basic. This gets back to the early topic of Kabam comply with App store policy of release loot box drop rate, we have been shooting darts in the dark for so long.

    Anecdotally we already know the chance is way higher, we don't need their input or for them to release the drop rates officially.

  • GbSarkarGbSarkar Member Posts: 1,075 ★★★
    You have slightly higher chance of getting Medusa if you wait. Drop rates for featured champs remains constant. Miike confirmed it somewhere (probably in the old forum)
  • ContestOfNoobsContestOfNoobs Member Posts: 2,145 ★★★★★
    2 spiders gwens with 2 FEATURED STARK CRYSTAls
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