Bane buff in 5.2 not doing 2.5% damage to the AI

So I was working my way thru act 5 chapter 2 and the 5th part has a bane buff for the fights. I noticed that when the AI had the bane it barely did any damage - even when applied for the full 10 seconds.
Yet when the bane buff was on me - even for only a few seconds - my health plummeted. I decided to do some experiments on the first fight with MK and never saw the AI degenerate more than 1% health. It says 2.5% in the description.
Can I get some clarity on how this node works?

As you can see the AI has almost 20k health. Doesn't that mean bane should degenerate over 400 hp/sec? Why is bane only dealing 120?
Yet when the bane buff was on me - even for only a few seconds - my health plummeted. I decided to do some experiments on the first fight with MK and never saw the AI degenerate more than 1% health. It says 2.5% in the description.
Can I get some clarity on how this node works?

As you can see the AI has almost 20k health. Doesn't that mean bane should degenerate over 400 hp/sec? Why is bane only dealing 120?
He has 9627 health
Your yellow jack has 9627 health, when bane is applied to mk it will do 240 damage per second or 120 per tick as ticks are .5 second.
Bane is your health x 2.5% = direct damage to opponents
Or bane against you is their current health x 2.5% = direct damage to you.