Was Quake the first science god tier (Youtube Drama)

With the whole MCOC youtube drama going on I thought why not make a poll to see what the community thinks.
Was Quake the first science god tier (Youtube Drama) 83 votes
Seatin said Void could be first God tier science. Some dude looking for clicks decided Quake was already God tier and made a video specifically calling out Seatin. Seatin commented on the video. Dude made another video looking for more clicks. Vekx made a funny video about the videos. Carry on.
Fair enough haha, he has a point about Quake though, she can deal serious damage without even hitting the opponent.
Anyway I will go and observe there drama, maybe they all need clicks lol
Quake is horrible i hate to play with her personally there is othing great about her than cuncussion ability reduction and a descent defender no more
He didn't say he "would be"...only questioned based on the current description whether he has potential to be.
Any of them had the potential to be.lol
Ok seriously I think quake should be demigod due to her lack of versatility throughout different opponents (she is very situational) but in the fights that she is built for such as magik and mephisto she’s is a god tier