Science champs sucks!

NyaleNyale Member Posts: 136
Science and skill are the only classes without any regen champs and why skill has decent bleeders , armor breakers and in general damage dealers , science aside from maybe Quake has no interesting champ , no cool mechanics and very low damage .I always cross my fingers when i open 4 and 5 stars in the vain hope i won't get another useless science. So do something about it , if u guys have no decent ideas at least increase the base attack and add more attack synergies to them.


  • RotmgmoddyRotmgmoddy Member Posts: 916 ★★★
    I guess you say that because most science champs excel in defense. Just think about it, spider man, yellowjacket, electro, abomination. Yea.
  • _solidsnake_solidsnake Member Posts: 133
    Hulk is really up there now, I would even go as far to say he's equal to Thor in some instances.
  • RealPastorRealPastor Member Posts: 82
    Hulk and WW2 are great. I like them more than quake.
  • ScuebydueScuebydue Member Posts: 38
    I can essentially perma stun with Hulk, YJ on unblockable sp1 is a beast, Quake is good for attack or defense. Spider man and their evades can be extremely tough at higher tiers. Even Antman duped can offer poison on a war defense node and a long fight with Glancing. Cpt America WWII with Stun, bleed, and little damage intake...

    Now..spidergwen and luke cage...yeah.
  • ZENZEN Member Posts: 156
    edited June 2017
    You probably don't have hulk. I would never enter AQ/AW without him. He's my all around champ. I even use him on bleed path on MAP 5. I just make sure I don't get hit. I also use him to kill dormammu boss
  • A_Noob_Is1A_Noob_Is1 Member Posts: 762 ★★
    1.the spider people( except gwen) and electro nearly have the best crits in game.
    2.quake is one hell of a hitter

  • Brew_SwayneBrew_Swayne Member Posts: 500 ★★
    Nyale wrote: »
    science aside from maybe Quake has no interesting champ , no cool mechanics and very low damage

    Um, what? Classic Spidey hits like a truck and has pretty good armor break. Same with Electro. And both of them can wipe out most oppenents with their S2. They may not be very durable champs (if you suck at defense), but if you're fighting with them, you can do some really heavy damage in a short amount of time.

    There's also a reason why science and skill champs don't have's not part of their makeup at all. Skill champs are literally just regular human beings with superior fighting abilities but no actual "super powers" or mutant abilities. They survive based on, ya know, their skills.
  • Fel_95Fel_95 Member Posts: 347 ★★
    Quake and WW2 are still one of the most used attacker in AW, AQ and questing
  • SlySlySlySly Member Posts: 352 ★★
    Classic spidey - most annoything piece of something to be used in AW def.
    Hulk - Hits like a truck.
    Electro - A walking thorns node.
    Quake - Are you really gonna tell me she's bad?
    YJ - Good for AW def
    Rhino - AW Def
    Fixit - Averagw, but self sustain, more power with less hp, debuffs and buffs in one
    Red Hulk - Great damage, duped takes forever to kill due to physical resitance.
    Cage - Kinda trashy but can be good on lower tier AW def duped
    WW2 - Great block and bleed on SP2
    Cap - good when you use him not too much on def due to avoidable SP's.
    Morales - Good all around, but ez to kill if you know the trick
    She Hulk - waste of Megabytes
    Abomination - Duped good on AW def on lower tier due to poison
    Ant Man - Good on AW def duped on lower tiers
    Gwen - .... hahahahahaha. No.
  • TryakshaTryaksha Member Posts: 210
    WW2 and YJ.. amazing.. Spidey family apart from qwen probably ( i dont use her much) amazing hitters, evades are life savers.. but my go to champ is ww2 coz of his insane defense..
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