Agents-of-Chaos Alliance: Now Recruiting

Agents-of-Chaos Alliance
22/30 Members
2,958,988 Rating
1,028 VR

LINE App Required (Communication is Key)
Monthly Donation – 80,000 Gold, 8,000 Battle Chips, 8,000 Glory.
• Priority 1- Alliance Quest (Currently running Maps 3 & 4)
• Priority 2- Alliance Wars - On weekends. (Defenders & Attackers must be above 3000 PI for placement)
• Priority 3- Summons’s Advancement (Bi-Weekly ATM - Subject to change with more members)

We in Agents of Chaos are looking for players that work well with communication and that are dedicated to playing MCOC. If you are a calm collected individual looking for a rag tag group to do some questing with then send an in game friend request to J4788Mal or use LINE and reach out to J4788Malisz; Line is preferred.

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