7 MIL Alliance Needs You!

heather0995heather0995 Member Posts: 51

We at Dominance (Domi2) are currently recruiting and are glad you have come to check us out!

Are you a newer player seeking an alliance that you can grow with and help accomplish milestones while earning great rewards?

OR maybe you are an experienced player looking for a chill group of people who are fun to be around with less pressure than your old hardcore alliance!

We have a great mix of veteran and newer players all working towards making our alliance a great place to have fun with minimal pressure to grind your life away. We try to keep things light but still make sure that we are getting the best rewards possible while hitting the milestones for what is possible.

We require participation in the following events:

650 for Duels
18K for Completion (exact amounts posted by leadership at event start)
AQ/AW participation 100% of the time
40k Gold, 3k Battlechips & 3k Loyalty

We are currently running AQ 54444 and are working towards 100% all battlegroups more and more each week. You must have some map 5 experience!

We do require LINE app and good communication ability! no alliance succeeds without good communication.

If you are interested please contact myself in game or on LINE my IGN/ID is heather0995


  • Big_Tony_27Big_Tony_27 Member Posts: 14
    im 100k will you accept me
  • Starlord04Starlord04 Member Posts: 25
    i want to to join. i am not that good but i am very active and looking for a good alliance who will help me grow. i will participate in all events and do my best. my line ID is spiderman0413
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