Hawkeye sp1 bleed stacking

Is it intentional or bug that Hawkeye's sp1 does not stack? I was just playing and was able to use sp1 before previous bleed expired and the timer just resets, it does not stack.
I believe it should because other bleeders stack very naturally, eg GP, Wolvy, x23, drax so why not Hawkeye's sp1? His sig ability states can only hemorrage once per match, nothing about sp1 not stacking.
I believe it should because other bleeders stack very naturally, eg GP, Wolvy, x23, drax so why not Hawkeye's sp1? His sig ability states can only hemorrage once per match, nothing about sp1 not stacking.
Well maybe cause its very powerful single bleed?
Also the biggest issue about Hawkeye is his worthless SP2 & SP3, only slighlty bigger bleed but no power drain so far worse than SP1
My sp1 wasn't stacking today. I was in 5.1.6 with opponent cornered so could get sp1 off over and over but timer just resets instead of stacking. Never got over 2 bleeds. I never use sp2
Because they are different bleeds.
The stack system varies from champion to champion. Hawkeye is capped at one of each of his 3x bleeds per time, War machine and x-23 are capped at 5 bleeds, Medusa is capped at 30 of her perma bleeds, Elektra is capped at 2 in her special 1 and 2 in her special 2, agent venom is capped at 1 bleed and so on.
Is a design choise. Don't know the reason for it