Need 2 Euro/International/Non-US players 4800K prestige for 65555/56555/55555

RBAtm (Rebel BA Asylum) is an AQ focused alliance that also runs war nonstop. We have 2 US BGs and one international, which is where we currently looking for players to replace a few holding us back.

AQ: Current starting prestige is 4900 and we hit 100M in AQ . We have no issues getting 100% and are adding map 6 a permanent part of the rotation next aq -We've been running it when free for now.

WAR: We don't spend on war and have a win some/lose some attitude while remaining in red shard tiers.

REQUIREMENTS: We are looking for adult players with a sense of humor who communicate when life, work or family need to take priority. No drama or egos. We have low turnover and you have to have enough R5 4 stars to run AQ and war simultaneously. We prefer 4800 prestige but are willing to take on someone close to ranking. Line is a must!

EVENTS: We only require completion. No grinding requirements, but we do have grinders. We always hit SA without requiring a minimum (same for item use).

For more details, follow the link to chat with us:
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