Wow rewards do not reflect the difficulty for Act 5 Chapter 2



  • Deadbyrd9Deadbyrd9 Member Posts: 3,469 ★★★★
    I bet we'll see some good act completion and exploration rewards. Act 4 chapters didn't have great rewards but the exploration of act 4 had great rewards
  • FlazinatorFlazinator Member Posts: 126
    Yeah the rewards really don't due justice for how difficult the content was. kabam is really out to lunch on this one.
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  • Deadbyrd9Deadbyrd9 Member Posts: 3,469 ★★★★
    I evaded his sp1 one time. It's really hard but not impossible
  • WolfGuyWolfGuy Member Posts: 92
    Also, who has a 10K+ champ despite class disadvantage (unless I am wrong about that)!?!?!?
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,955 ★★★★★
    edited June 2017
    WolfGuy wrote: »
    Also, who has a 10K+ champ despite class disadvantage (unless I am wrong about that)!?!?!?
    The UI won't reflect the advantage. It's in the notes.
  • DrunkGingerDrunkGinger Member Posts: 10
    Garbage! Just plain garbage! After that grueling 5.2.5 and 5.2.6 then the ridiculousness of the Collector you get a measly 35 units, 700 5* shards and 1500 4* shards and 2 t4b. Sooo not on par for the difficulty. As far as I'm concerned, there is absolutely no reason 100% it either
  • LeNoirFaineantLeNoirFaineant Member Posts: 8,689 ★★★★★
    I expect it's possible to one shot him but no one has practice so it'll be hard for now. An alliance member beat him with Hyperion, 8 single revives and no healing so it's hardly a money pit.
  • loader187loader187 Member Posts: 222 ★★
    i don't think the issue is really the rewards but more for the fact that I beat chapter 1 and it was difficult and I had to use revives and potions which is expected. However, with the rewards that have been shown for exploration does not correlate with the huge jump in difficulty. Considering this is Chapter 2 which is not even past the halfway point the difficulty has jumped more than the rewards. I understand that the Labyrinth difficulty is geared for those that play 24/7 and have 4 million units and time to grind to get the characters that help them finish it or open their wallets a lot. This is normal of any company that needs to make money but I feel like things are getting out of hand.

    Before anyone starts attacking. I am not knocking anyone that plays 24/7 or opens their wallet(to each their own). I have no problem spending the money on a game when i lose because my phone messed up, my mess up or the algorithm of the game being cheap at times(Happens in every game) but to design a game that even if you play perfect you still lose. I am also not saying that it shouldn't be difficult but KABAM, the rewards really do not equal the difficulty. Most people that will disagree with me are the people that have enough 5 * to make it through and more power to you but even if you have the 5* or right characters to beat chapter 2 with ease I know you are wanting better rewards. The rewards should move with the difficulty. Unless this is the last Act in the game you should probably start making 5* the new 4* and implement 6*. LOL
  • smdam38smdam38 Member Posts: 1,846 ★★★★
    Only 4 more to go. I'm sure they'll get easier.
  • FuzzylumpsFuzzylumps Member Posts: 116
    As the Grandmaster says, "your extensive experience may very well yield you more benefits in the future".

    Just scared now that I need to rush Act 5.2 to get the Title or might miss out on some great rewards.....
  • smdam38smdam38 Member Posts: 1,846 ★★★★
    As the Grandmaster says, "your extensive experience may very well yield you more benefits in the future".

    Could you be more vague? :D

    Will probably unlock next part with permanent degen and you're not allowed to move your champ without dying instantly.
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  • BitterSteelBitterSteel Member Posts: 9,264 ★★★★★
    WolfGuy wrote: »
    Also, who has a 10K+ champ despite class disadvantage (unless I am wrong about that)!?!?!?
    The UI won't reflect the advantage. It's in the notes.

    Sorry websnatcher you're wrong here. That's only talking about the reversal of class bonuses. Not the bonus the universal class has over all classes.
  • RehctansBewRehctansBew Member Posts: 442 ★★★
    OneManArmy wrote: »
    i havent gotten to the last boss yet, but so far its very easy, i only use 440s, no items. so we will see. im pleased with the rewards

    Wow, if you ran through 5.2.5 with your squad and no items I think I speak for everyone and say you need a youtube channel. Not possible.
  • RehctansBewRehctansBew Member Posts: 442 ★★★
    As the Grandmaster says, "your extensive experience may very well yield you more benefits in the future".

    Could you be more vague? :D

    I know, I know, but I won't be saying any more!

    So this kinda, sorta, around the corner, in the ball park confirms the leak. That the quest is a money pit and in three months they will actually make it playable without using your 401k. But those that dropped a months rent and four months of items will get something better?
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  • No_More_HeroesNo_More_Heroes Member Posts: 471 ★★
    As the Grandmaster says, "your extensive experience may very well yield you more benefits in the future".

    Sorry I've seen this movie before, it ends in disappointment.
  • Dok_HolidayDok_Holiday Member Posts: 23
    The rewards model is now 'offer the rewards that SHOULD be in quests at a ridiculous price' (see binding crystal deals). It seems you have to buy any legitimate rewards from now on. I bet act completion will come with the option to buy t2A and 5* awakening crystal for the low price of 50,000 units. Classless Kabam.
  • RehctansBewRehctansBew Member Posts: 442 ★★★
    OneManArmy wrote: »
    OneManArmy wrote: »
    i havent gotten to the last boss yet, but so far its very easy, i only use 440s, no items. so we will see. im pleased with the rewards

    Wow, if you ran through 5.2.5 with your squad and no items I think I speak for everyone and say you need a youtube channel. Not possible.

    Im done now. 5.2.1-5.2.3 very easy and very doable for everyone i think! the real trouble started at quest 4 didnt check the nodes beforehand and just went for the shortest path which had a magik with machoshism and buffet! add her limbo on top off that and you have a nightmare of a match. used several revives on her and the ds that followed. 5.2.5 was nothing special. fairly easy matches, but very long paths so a lot of them, needed a few breaks in between. 5.2.6 was **** all the way thru. that ice man before the collector was a b!tch as expected. and the collector was a b!itch as expected. all in all it was very difficult and i do not look forward to ch 3 and 4

    Good on you man, I know I won't be going past 5.2.5 for any time now. Just not worth the effort or money. Still think you need that youtube channel to show us how it's done. I'm always up for learning and getting better.
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  • fede10ricofede10rico Member Posts: 8
    I really enojoyed the challenge actually even if I found it really frustrating especially to practice with the last 2 degen staff chapters and to win against that insanely powered magik. I was obviously hoping in some better prices and some more 5 star's staffs because you definetely need minimum a terrific 5/50 team.

    Because you wll not be able to finish 5.3 and 5.4 without 5* heavily armored we definetely need the chance to increase our roster
  • bentoddfredbentoddfred Member Posts: 50
    As the Grandmaster says, "your extensive experience may very well yield you more benefits in the future".

    Could you be more vague? :D

    I know, I know, but I won't be saying any more!

    You didn't say anything in the first place... Can we at least be given an idea of a time frame for these "benefits"?
  • LostSoulZzLostSoulZz Member Posts: 15
    Those specials man. Couldn't evade them for the life of me. Had to keep taking degens to the face If I couldn't get magik up to speed In time.
  • OreadordaOreadorda Member Posts: 5
    I can't for the life of me beat 5.2.4. Guess I'm waiting til it comes back out. Sigh.
  • Heisenberg07Heisenberg07 Member Posts: 92
    Oreadorda wrote: »
    I can't for the life of me beat 5.2.4. Guess I'm waiting til it comes back out. Sigh.

    You can come back to it anytime. It’s temporary.
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