Death Button

MatthewCSanchezMatthewCSanchez Member Posts: 33
Will it be at the end of the scrapyard event that for those who didn't press the button be awarded and if so what do you think will be the reward(s).


  • MayhemEffectMayhemEffect Member Posts: 112
    it is at the end of the scrapyard (june 2) and no clue.
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,898 ★★★★★
    After the Workshop closes, Rocket will send you a message thanking you. Can't say what he will give you.
  • BigMoBigMo Member Posts: 175
    I predict it will be a 5* awakening gem and all the button pushers will come on the forum and cry it is not fair. OK, I don't really think that but it would crazy funny if that is what happens. I imagine it will just be the same crystal shard rewards that those who pushed the button​ got except more of them.
  • RotmgmoddyRotmgmoddy Member Posts: 916 ★★★
    BigMo wrote: »
    I predict it will be a 5* awakening gem and all the button pushers will come on the forum and cry it is not fair. OK, I don't really think that but it would crazy funny if that is what happens. I imagine it will just be the same crystal shard rewards that those who pushed the button​ got except more of them.

    Lol, I doubt the prize would be that good though, I heard Miike or Adora mention that the prizes aren't super huge. A clue of the prize is given to the button pushers, who received 4* and 5* shards and were told by Rocket that Groot ate some of their prizes.
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,898 ★★★★★
    BigMo wrote: »
    I predict it will be a 5* awakening gem and all the button pushers will come on the forum and cry it is not fair. OK, I don't really think that but it would crazy funny if that is what happens. I imagine it will just be the same crystal shard rewards that those who pushed the button​ got except more of them.
    That's where my my mind is going. LOL. I'm a "Button Pusher". Lol. Rocket said that Groot ate a few Shards but it was my fault for not listening. I'm guessing it's a different Title with more Shards. There could be something else. In any case, it'll be more than what we got for pushing it.
  • XMEN1994XMEN1994 Member Posts: 51
    Something good i hope.

    Those who have been patient should not get bad rewards like those who pushed the button. Atleast give us enough 4 shards to form 1 crystal.
  • yamtar81yamtar81 Member Posts: 1
    edited May 2017
    Benim rakun ödülü silindi, geri geldi ama bugün tekrar silindi, mail atıyorum sonuc alamıyorum, burada yonetici varsa mail ile cevap bekliyorum
  • R0ID_RAGER0ID_RAGE Member Posts: 37
    half-ass understandable English translation...

    My raccoon prize has been cleared, I came back but today I deleted it again, I do not get the result, I am waiting for an answer by mail if there is a manager here
  • DrZolaDrZola Member Posts: 9,370 ★★★★★
    Shards will get rounded up. Don't get your hopes up.

    Would be nice if they actually rewarded patience, though. They should have made the message clear one time and one time only--"Don't push the button and you will get better stuff. Push it and this is all you will get." Then Miike could have just told everyone he had no comment and they should read the message. If they didn't understand it then tough--no spoon-feeding.

    But they didn't do that.

    Dr. Zola
  • TryakshaTryaksha Member Posts: 210
    They will be giving rank down tickets, generic 5* awakening gem, Title saying " I listened to a racoon :open_mouth: "and one guardians crystal guaranteeing a 4* guardian.
    Read -In your dream :wink:
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