Signature abilities shut off randomly
I had noticed some oddity in game play while doing uncollected mode. One fight (Starlord 5/50 Sig 99) vs Miles Morales 110 combo was required to KO him. Basic attacks MLLLM were doing max 250 damage and and specials only about 1-2K. Second fight example Hulk (5/50 Sig 99 at 35% health) vs SW attacks all stayed below 1K most under 300, until the final Medium which crit for 1200.
Happened randomly and not every fight on the paths, but this is the second time I have experienced the issue.
I asked my alliance mates if they had any similar instances where Sig ability did not apply correctly.
Spidey evading under cold-snap
NC evading against Gwenpool with 50+ hit combo
these were reported by two and only in uncollected quest this month.
Are others experiencing the same odd behavior?
Happened randomly and not every fight on the paths, but this is the second time I have experienced the issue.
I asked my alliance mates if they had any similar instances where Sig ability did not apply correctly.
Spidey evading under cold-snap
NC evading against Gwenpool with 50+ hit combo
these were reported by two and only in uncollected quest this month.
Are others experiencing the same odd behavior?