Which should I Rank 4 First... 4* Guillotine or 4* Rouge?

I am obviously going to R4 both eventually but which do you think is better to focus on first? Both are R3 right now and neither are duped (Rouge is maxed and Guillotine I ranked up in the last level up so she is 20/30 right now). Just want to know who is more useful in general... who is more useful in Act 4 for example. I really like playing both of them (finally got some luck and got them both within the past 2 weeks... one from a PHC, but it helped my account a lot as I needed them as the only other really good champ I had at the time was Quake... well Hulk too but not duped yet sadly).
The only other R4's I have right now are Quake and Nebula (Nebula was my first to R4 since she was the best I had at the time... but I honestly would R4 her again as I really like her "oops" heals, her immunities, and her shock dmg). Right now my top five champs are 5* R2 Mordo, 4* R4 Quake, 4* R3 Rouge, 4* R3 Guillotine, 4* R4 Nebula.
Let me know what you guys think! Thanks!
The only other R4's I have right now are Quake and Nebula (Nebula was my first to R4 since she was the best I had at the time... but I honestly would R4 her again as I really like her "oops" heals, her immunities, and her shock dmg). Right now my top five champs are 5* R2 Mordo, 4* R4 Quake, 4* R3 Rouge, 4* R3 Guillotine, 4* R4 Nebula.
Let me know what you guys think! Thanks!
Which should I Rank 4 First... 4* Guillotine or 4* Rouge? 8 votes
Reliable Healing and power control are 2 very valuable abilities, plus the 70% debuff duration reduction saves you butt in mean encounters like Ice Phoenix...
Yes, Gulli’s heal reversal is quite nice, bu she does not have to be at a high rank for that...
I have Gambit and Blue Team Cyclops but I consider them to be a tier below Rouge and not worth R4 for me in this time in the game.