First Rank 5 4*?

I love all these characters and the way they play but want to progress in the game. But it takes long for me to get T4CC because I am on the newer side to this game and free to play. I currently have and debating on if I should rank 5 my unawakend Spiderman(stark enhanced) or my currently unawakend Starlord who I am grinding for in arena to get the dupe which should be no problem because I got him with a smaller roster last time 1st round. I also have a Blade which will for sure be my next because I am very close to getting the last T4CC for him. Who should I rank 5 first for beating content like RoL and becoming uncollected? Obviously if Starlord I will wait tell after I get the dupe in arena + I have ~40 Sig stones for him.
Thanks for helping me progress in the game and if you could state why in the comments that will also be appreciated.
Thanks for helping me progress in the game and if you could state why in the comments that will also be appreciated.
First Rank 5 4*? 43 votes
On the other hand, Spark has more utility. He can get you uncollected fairly easily. His synergy with blade is needed for the holy trinity which consists of Spark, Blade and Ghost Rider.
I've been playing for like 8 months which is newer compared to alot of people but not to new and I grinded SL in arena to get him but the secrete for blade was I just rewatched the blade move and was like I'm going to get blade. And got one Daywalker crystal and got it. For sparky I had a four star crystal and opened it at ~6am expecting trash and got him