ROL Wolverine

I've gotten to the Wolverine in ROL, and I took Guilly in for the heal reversal. By the time I get to use my second L2, I've run out of souls and cannot reverse it anymore. Does anyone have any advice on how to beat him. (I don't have any points in mystic dispersion)
If you don't want to restart, you have to fight insanely aggressively. Pin him against the wall and just parry-combo until you get the SP2, then fire it off. When I did it, I only used a 20% revive and went flat-out through the heal reversal then would purposefully die if I didn't have the charges to re-do the SP2.
When I say parry-combo, I'm talking the up close parry after the last hit. Hit-hit-hit-hit-hit-parry, repeat. If he fires a special, evade and dash into the attack as soon as he's done. You don't have enough time to dance around.
You kind of have to get lucky with the timing. I was lucky enough to get it done my first time and it took 27 hits. So it does work, but that was with MD and getting those sp2s off as quickly as you can.
Guilly still a faster/better option, but I think Yondu might be the next best.