10 things I dislike about mcoc

WorkingAsIntendedWorkingAsIntended Member Posts: 164 ★★
This is some stuff I don’t really understand or highly dislike. Hopefully posting this helps with the game team and mcoc it’s self.

1. Masteries-why i have to use masteries points on lower end masteries to get to the good masteries makes literally no sense at all. Especially when they are not that much and masteries keep being added. This is pointless. Either up the level cap or remove the reqs. This would be absolutely amazing. I’m sure I’m not the only one on this. There isn’t any reasoning behind why it is the way it is now.
2. Certain champs not really having a good use or bring not relevant in game. Or simply underpowered. I get the new beta and that’s great but why is this taking so long? The game has progressed so much to the point they are literally useless on end game content. Mags is a great example. A huge player in the X-men comics and widely considered a villain favorite. This should have been done months of not years ago.
3. The forum mods here saying 5* shards and 5*s in general would be more accessible they aren’t. I mean nothing making them the new 4*. With 6* champs coming soon. Six stars Pretty much here now why aren’t they 5*s being more abundant? Is there plans for a 5* arena any time soon? Progress for them is still very low. This needs to change and it needs to change ASAP.
4. War- I love war absolutely my favorite part of this game. The challenge is nice the rewards are not. We have been through a lot of different wars lately. Rewards have stayed the same. I thought oh cool rewards are blacked out with the new beta test. Maybe they upped rewards for war of course low and behold nothing new there. Another way to get 5* shards/champs. But the rewards are still not where they should be. If you can’t get it up rewards. Your tying champs up in another time consuming game mode make it worth it.
5. Aq- why we do not get 30min timers is something I wil never know. Upon that it’s just a boring game mode. Also very unoriginal to use symbiosis when the champs you have are cast and growing.
6. Ai- it seems the ai has been turnt up like crazy. Why I don’t know but the game pre 12.0 played much different. The ai seemed more vulnerable and now it seems to be less in your favor. Odd behavior mostly.
7. Nerfs- now I know we all hate this word. No I don’t have a blade and I’m not asking for one lol. Is there any way we can compromise on ds? Sucks a pivotal champ for many stories is not comparable to today’s champs being released.
8. All the bugs I get it nothing is going to be working consistently every new update that’s fine. But at least fix consistent bugs and make a effort at it. Seeing forum posts go into grave yards is disheartening. It also costs us stuff as well. You want us happy we’ll fix the game.
9. Maybe a toggle effect on background effects to turn on and off might help with lag/etc. always found it cool but also annoying same time. Certain champs such as dorm take up a lot of resources would be nice to lower that.
10. Challenger rating- i do not know why we need this at all. It’s a mechanic that never needed to be added. There was already bonuses for class advantage why add more?


  • WorkingAsIntendedWorkingAsIntended Member Posts: 164 ★★
    I could but I won’t thanks for the criticism. Lol anything you dislike @Cuteshelf
  • CuteshelfCuteshelf Member Posts: 747 ★★★
    Well I gave up reading after the second or third point, so I’d suggest it if you want people to actually read it. But whatever mate. =}
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