5 star Basic vs. Featured (After Changes)

I know that I can get a featured 5* crystal, but I won't be able to get the shards until after the changes occur. Should I just get a basic, or would it be suggested that I buy a "new" featured.
5 star Basic vs. Featured (After Changes) 48 votes
so act accordingly!
P.S.: you can 100% (heroic+master+uncollected) for Feb+March and you will get 20k 5* shards. and you could collect 10k from SA/Wars/4* duping/events/etc ( and we might get some challenge or something in theses months(hopefully) )
Thanks @Karinshi ! I am not good enough to 100% master and not sure if i have the time for 100% heroic; I'm not very good, you see. I'm at about 8k shards, so I think I will just keep opening basics now, just to improve my questing/AW/AQ roster.