7mil ally seeks a few replacements - no donations

SillyCaitlinSillyCaitlin Member Posts: 535
We’re looking for a few additions to our active, respectful, down-to-earth alliance with a minimum rating of 150k (200k+ preferred).

We run free maps (32322 or 23232), so no donations are required. We are in the advanced bracket and we hit 100% in all BGs most of the time.

We play all 3 BGs and run AW/AQ whenever its available. Participation is expected (unless you let me know ahead of time you’ll be away or unable to play—and I’m usually understanding when you let me know!)

Line is optional, but it would be great if you could join. About half of us are on there.

We hit 41-70% SA weekly. There are no hard SA minimums, we just expect that you will contribute what you can.

This is a great alliance for a skilled player looking for a friendly group with reasonable demands, or even a retired veteran looking for that game/life balance.

BGs are not assigned, we just expect everyone to play and hop in where they can help.

We look full, but there are a few that need replacing, so send me a message if this sounds like a good fit for you.

Friend me in game if interested: SillyCaitlin


  • SillyCaitlinSillyCaitlin Member Posts: 535
  • SillyCaitlinSillyCaitlin Member Posts: 535
    We are still looking for 3. If you're 150k+, active, and participate in AQ/AW, we'd love to have you. Come find us.
  • SillyCaitlinSillyCaitlin Member Posts: 535
    Search by tag CHAØS or friend me in game. If there’s a spot I’ll let you in and if not I’ll let you know as soon as there is. We still have one left, so let me know if this sounds like a good fit for you.
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