Is there going to be a fix on block/parry/dex

OK so prob sound like a broken record but it seems like its getting worse ..I just died to rhino for the first time in months in AQ and yes its day 5 and I know they cheat like bleeds are less and your regen never triggers but since when can they block in the middle of a combo not matter how many hits you do also he broke threw so many of my blocks and parry is way off I mean off by a lot..y'all also change there recover times to throw us off so we have to use more pots ... I dont get it y'all make enough Money on us to have a good smooth game why be so greedy and mess with the mechanics of the game and make it to where you have to Use pots. 80% of the pots I used are because of bugs
Enough is enough when will we have a fix
Enough is enough when will we have a fix
Don’t know what happened .. but the amount of issues that are increasing they should seriously change their platform or the issues will remain permanent.
Players only have so much patience