silent nerf again?is it only me who can see that ? please let this thread spread

TerrorTerror Member Posts: 34
I've changed my mastery because I wanted my Blade to have deep wounds on lvl5 instead of lvl2. I' ve done it in the middle of the AW attack phase. I've found that my r4/55 Blade hits like a r3 champ. Next I've found a magik r5 and tried a duel. Before this silent change that kabam done I was able to see my power bar growing up after parry. Now when I do a parry I don't see that it does work as designed - no power at all after well time parry / bleed x2 or x3 on the opponent. So...seems that Blade danger sense is a joke right now and the power on parry/bleed is broken.


  • GamerGamer Member Posts: 11,495 ★★★★★
    When he is one bleed and use parry. U need to be clouse to him to get the pover. Only Sp2 giv the most. Pover gian.
  • Animejay70Animejay70 Member Posts: 400 ★★★
    trust me. My R5 5* blade is still working like he has been.

    As has been pointed out, you need to be close to your opponent to get the power gain.

    His SP2 gets 8% of a power bar power gain for every bleed stack it causes. However, to get more power you need to stay close to your opponent.

    Please let's not have conspiracy theories about nerfing Blade. It may happen down the line, or they will create a champ that can counter him, like they did with Iceman. Until then, assume they haven't done anything.
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