Let's Talk About Sentry

First thing I want to say: Sentry's animations and play style are amazing, exactly what I love from new champions. Not too complicated, not too simple, fluid combos, smooth special attacks. Everything is perfect, except he is one of the worst champions in the game. I like my sentry but I now want him to actually be useful. I just don't believe the game designers did this on purpose, it must be a mistake. He is so absurdly far from any other new characters that have been released lately that I just know it must be a mistake.
@Kabam Miike If you could take this next bit to the game team that would be great. In my opinion the single worst thing about sentry is this ridiculous line in his signature ability "indestructible doesn't trigger if Sentry is afflicted with a Debuff". This needs to be removed. Why is it in there? It has no affect on his defensive capabilities (he's a terrible defender!), all it does is ensure that Sentry cannot use the suicide mastery tree. There is a line in his description that essentially says: "Here is sentry's signature ability, but it might not do anything". A champion with such small damage output needs attack masteries to be viable. Luke cage is immune to bleed, great, throw those suicides on him. Karnak doesn't do amazing damage, well he resists poison. Most of the classic terrible champions have some sort of immunity or utility. She hulk is poison immune, iron patriot has a regen, joe fixit also poison immune, colossus is bleed immune. All of these allow a player to put the suicide masteries on and actually use them viably, even if they aren't the best champions. This is the single most important factor in my opinion to move him from the worst champion, to lower tier. The next suggestion would move him from lower tier to middle or higher.
The next suggestion I have for Sentry's improvement is extremely simple and I actually think they meant to do this but forgot. Sentry was touted as a champion who builds momentum, but he actually does not build momentum in any way. The reward for building 160 hits or 5 good fights in a row is not really noticeable. More often than not, you can cycle through all his states without triggering them once. His state of mind abilities should say "30% chance per 40 hits of the combo meter on entering this state". If this were the case he would have a 90% chance to proc his abilities after a 120 hit combo and when he builds to full power, the triggering of states would be guaranteed unless his ability accuracy were reduced.
Let's be clear, with 5 reality warp charges, even when Sentry's abilities hit on his specials, he still doesn't do the type of damage that would blow your mind. Storm right out the gate does more damage. I think the game devs intended sentry to be a tank, with his indestructible triggering often when you make a mistake. But he does so little damage that he cannot be used in AQ or AW due to the time limit on fights. And you cannot boost your damage with synergies because of that ridiculous line in his signature ability.
Please show me any other champion in the game that has their signature ability literally cancelled if they use ANY mastery. Masteries are meant to ADD to characters not take away from them.
There are many things wrong with Sentry but I don't want to ask for too much or be greedy. I don't even want him to be top tier, I just want to be able to use him to complete content. I would be satisfied if only the line about his signature ability not working were removed. But he could be a really fun and useful champion if they added a chance for his abilities to actually work.
My rant is over. It's a bit disgruntled but I still do like a lot about sentry. There is an opportunity here to fix the mistake before you get complacent. Carnage was nerfed because he was too OP before release. Did that happen here?
@Kabam Miike If you could take this next bit to the game team that would be great. In my opinion the single worst thing about sentry is this ridiculous line in his signature ability "indestructible doesn't trigger if Sentry is afflicted with a Debuff". This needs to be removed. Why is it in there? It has no affect on his defensive capabilities (he's a terrible defender!), all it does is ensure that Sentry cannot use the suicide mastery tree. There is a line in his description that essentially says: "Here is sentry's signature ability, but it might not do anything". A champion with such small damage output needs attack masteries to be viable. Luke cage is immune to bleed, great, throw those suicides on him. Karnak doesn't do amazing damage, well he resists poison. Most of the classic terrible champions have some sort of immunity or utility. She hulk is poison immune, iron patriot has a regen, joe fixit also poison immune, colossus is bleed immune. All of these allow a player to put the suicide masteries on and actually use them viably, even if they aren't the best champions. This is the single most important factor in my opinion to move him from the worst champion, to lower tier. The next suggestion would move him from lower tier to middle or higher.
The next suggestion I have for Sentry's improvement is extremely simple and I actually think they meant to do this but forgot. Sentry was touted as a champion who builds momentum, but he actually does not build momentum in any way. The reward for building 160 hits or 5 good fights in a row is not really noticeable. More often than not, you can cycle through all his states without triggering them once. His state of mind abilities should say "30% chance per 40 hits of the combo meter on entering this state". If this were the case he would have a 90% chance to proc his abilities after a 120 hit combo and when he builds to full power, the triggering of states would be guaranteed unless his ability accuracy were reduced.
Let's be clear, with 5 reality warp charges, even when Sentry's abilities hit on his specials, he still doesn't do the type of damage that would blow your mind. Storm right out the gate does more damage. I think the game devs intended sentry to be a tank, with his indestructible triggering often when you make a mistake. But he does so little damage that he cannot be used in AQ or AW due to the time limit on fights. And you cannot boost your damage with synergies because of that ridiculous line in his signature ability.
Please show me any other champion in the game that has their signature ability literally cancelled if they use ANY mastery. Masteries are meant to ADD to characters not take away from them.
There are many things wrong with Sentry but I don't want to ask for too much or be greedy. I don't even want him to be top tier, I just want to be able to use him to complete content. I would be satisfied if only the line about his signature ability not working were removed. But he could be a really fun and useful champion if they added a chance for his abilities to actually work.
My rant is over. It's a bit disgruntled but I still do like a lot about sentry. There is an opportunity here to fix the mistake before you get complacent. Carnage was nerfed because he was too OP before release. Did that happen here?
Yea I use suicides and I have sentry awakened so his industructable is useless. @Kabam Miike
Please find a way to remedy this since his awakening ability is useless
Yes, and if it is like any of the main stickied, it devolves into a discussion that has nothing to do with the topic after a few pages of people arguing back and forth that Kabam doesn't read.
kabam miike actually read the comments and said that they aren't making any changes to Sentry ,even if the character is a Shame to comic's version.