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Duped 4* Black widow (level 40) or unduped 5* Hawkeye? Which should I rank up?

Would appreciate some suggestions. Not sure which will be stronger as I'm trying to beat act 5.2.


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    GAM3RGUYGAM3RGUY Posts: 203
    Go for Hawkeye he will get u through
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    NguyenDauNguyenDau Posts: 248
    I wud go with Hawkey. cuz if u look throught act 5.. I think u will get more use of Hawkeye. also BW need to be higher sig lvl to get really good of her and mainly vs spidey actually
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    Run477Run477 Posts: 1,391 ★★★
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    Run477Run477 Posts: 1,391 ★★★
    Black widow will be useful in 5.3. But Hawkeye more useful overall and in 5.2.
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    YjgovtheYjgovthe Posts: 34
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    KpatrixKpatrix Posts: 1,055 ★★★
    Hawkeye for sure. He is great without the dupe as his signature will only proc once per fight if your lucky and in most cases it doesn't really help much unless you have taskmaster synergy and can spam L3
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    DrZolaDrZola Posts: 8,745 ★★★★★
    Sadly, BW got neutered nearly as much as Dr. Strange after 12.0. She’s pretty much what she is in the “real world” of comics—a highly trained human with no special powers. Subtlety, which used to do so much, does far less and seems to operate at an even lower level than it should given its statistical description. More importantly, the heavy crit damage that made her so formidable has been squelched by the changes to the game since.

    HE (who ironically isn’t super powered either) has a set of abilities that dovetails nicely with the current game meta: DOT and power drain. To me that’s a lot more useful than a balky RNG chance to dodge thorns/evade. Plus his shades are sweet.

    Good luck.

    Dr. Zola
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    MattyloMattylo Posts: 234
    hawkeye all day. Bleed plus power control ftw
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    VoluntarisVoluntaris Posts: 1,198 ★★★
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    WildpantsWildpants Posts: 148
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    mfleurymfleury Posts: 100
    I got bw 5/50 and Hawkeye unduped 5* r3 as well and did all act 5. I used my bw way more than Hawkeye but is because I used Magik and dormammu when I needed power control champs. It all depends on your roster. Bw got nerfed but she is still the best option against spider man in immunity nodes.
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    RixobRixob Posts: 505 ★★
    HE one of the most underrated champs. You will use him in A LOT of end game content.
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    Spurgeon14Spurgeon14 Posts: 1,665 ★★★★
    Hawkeye, hands down! Spam his special 1, the power drain/bleed combo is great. BW sucks since 12.0, sadly...
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    Thanks for all the advice!
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    Lunchbox45Lunchbox45 Posts: 250 ★★
    I used my hawkeye all the way through act 5. One of the most under rated skill champs
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    Solrac_2Solrac_2 Posts: 497 ★★
    Unfortunately BW was severely nerfed. She is still useful for some content but Hawkeye is vastly underrated and an excellent champ with his constant power drain and massive bleeds, especially with Deep Wounds. I have both, BW 5/50 sig 99 and Hawkeye at rank 4 five star. I'd rank HE for sure.
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