Bonus Points for Performances in Arena

I would love to see bonus points for exceptional performances in arena matches. For example, if you are fighting an opponent that is significantly stronger than you and you take little or no damage, I think that is worth some bonus points. Or if you take down such an opponent very quickly, that is worthy of bonus points. This is especially true if you are able to do it while fighting against an opponent with a class advantage. This would, I believe, add another layer to decision making and make the arena system a bit more interesting and rewarding for those who take chances and still win. There have been so many times when I have fought opponents who should have destroyed me but ended up doing little or no damage, but I got the same point awards that I would have gotten had they left me with just 1% health (I’ve had lots of those, too).

Just a thought.



  • Trump22Trump22 Member Posts: 9
    Game lags enough as it is. Why add to that
  • phillgreenphillgreen Member Posts: 4,329 ★★★★★
    edited January 2018
    The points should be based on the difficulty of the matchup and nothing else.

    Its annoying that 3* teams in the 4* basic arena are worth less points even though the fights are harder to win.

  • BigMoBigMo Member Posts: 175
    I like the point system in arena now better than it used to be. If you remember in the beginning you did get more points if your PI was lower than your opponent. So for arena it was better to take all your 2* to either 2/20 or 3/1 and not max them out or you would get less points. I don't want to go back to the old scoring system. We get so many 3* arena boosts just use them if you want to use your 3* in the 4* basic arena.
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