7.4 Million Alliance looking for a few active skilled players ....

[LOTW] Legend of the World - looking for a few good active players. We currently have 2 spots open, but will make room for skilled players. About us ... we are a 7.4 million Alliance with a 1,082 war rating. We are currently moving in and out of expert tier in AQ and are looking for players who can help us maintain the higher tier. Right now, we are running 5-5-5-4-4 with 1 to 2 wars per week. We run assigned paths in both AQ Map 5 and AW and we use LINE for our general/BG communications. We hit SA every week, usually in the 21-40% tier and we hit most milestone rewards.


Weekly minimum donations - 100k Gold, 18k Battle Chips, 10k Loyalty
Must be able to complete assigned paths
Use LINE app for communications

If this sounds interesting to you, hit me up on LINE: SprungM0nkey
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