Need Map 5 Players

I am RazorJazz9, I am a member of super active alliance [TNAV]The New Avengers (5 mill. alli), I am here to recruit Members who are super active and Skillful.
We play
1. AQ 5x5 Advanced tier,
2. we regularly play AWs (tier 10).
3. We do SAs every week.
We need players
1. Who have base hero rating 90k+,
2. can play map 5 easily and
3. have LINE IDs.
Add me or Senylity (our leader) or Rockolop78 (our officer) to join. You can also comment below if intrested.
We play
1. AQ 5x5 Advanced tier,
2. we regularly play AWs (tier 10).
3. We do SAs every week.
We need players
1. Who have base hero rating 90k+,
2. can play map 5 easily and
3. have LINE IDs.
Add me or Senylity (our leader) or Rockolop78 (our officer) to join. You can also comment below if intrested.