Overcharging Energy Meter
Just an idea that I think would be beneficial. Say you ran out of energy and you asked for help, but purchased an energy refill anyway because you want to keep moving. If anyone hits that help in the time that your energy is full or everyone hits it quickly while you're questing and fills it. After the meter is full, someone hits help and nothing happens. It would be a good idea if it was possible to overcharge your energy meter and store more energy than your max in these situations. I feel like helps should be "bonus energy" instead of add to accrued energy. Other scenarios might include:
The list could go on, but the main point is there is precedent for this. Of course, the downside to doing this is that your energy doesn't begin to regenerate until you drop below your max again.
- Right before you go to sleep, you empty your energy meter then hit help. Obviously any of those helps are wasted because your energy meter would usually refill anyway before you wake up.
- You are in a map that uses 3 energy per move. You have two energy left and you pop a refill. Those two energy disappear. Kind-of wasteful to the energy conscious summoner.
- You are on a questing binge (or a legends run) and don't want to think about energy, so you stack energy by using multiple energy refills.
The list could go on, but the main point is there is precedent for this. Of course, the downside to doing this is that your energy doesn't begin to regenerate until you drop below your max again.