5x5 expert tier, 10m alliance, tier 4/5 war looking for one

Mature alliance w people from all over the world (kiwis Canadians asians europeans etc) we are active, communicative and rarely fail aq maps, we hit about 100m in aq every week. Applicant Must have one r4 5* and use line app, focus is aq, expected to finish your line or use a revive if you get kod on first 2 sections, third is ok if you have someone to back you up.
war we usually run 2 bgs and don’t usually ask for item use unless it will be a win with a few items, hence we are t4/5, normal donations, gold is discounted 50k per week as we have tons in the kitty.
IGN or line Id : same as here,
war we usually run 2 bgs and don’t usually ask for item use unless it will be a win with a few items, hence we are t4/5, normal donations, gold is discounted 50k per week as we have tons in the kitty.
IGN or line Id : same as here,