A Buff to Hulk..

AssumedNameAssumedName Member Posts: 583 ★★★
I have just taken my hulk to rank 5 and I'm certainly not disappointed with him. I understand that he is already a very powerful champion and has served me well thus far. However despite the great damage output I believe adding more to his utility would be good. As a way of adding to his sig ability, he should gain an unlimited physical resistance buff, much like Kangs armour. The lower hulks health the better the physical resistance should be, for greater survival. Another ability should be regen. In the comics hulk has an insanely good healing factor, and this is one of the things that makes hulk so powerful. Although this may sound overpowered I think giving a regen that occurs at 50% and 25% health much like ultron, which has its potency to be greater dependant upon the amount of power much like Deadpool would be fantastic to see and may provide a second current science 'god tier' after void.


  • AhitlawAhitlaw Member Posts: 2,123 ★★★★
    Absolutely love this idea,always thought he should physical resistance and some sort of Regen
  • MegaSkater67MegaSkater67 Member Posts: 1,380 ★★★★
    Regen is just counter intuitive to his sig, you want to be on lower health to make the most of him. If he keeps healing you lose damage and in some ways I’d actually see that as more of a nerf than a buff. Besides, he’s already one of the top science champs, poison immune, very high damage output, hard hitting specials and can stun lock for a while. Really doesn’t need any further buffs imo.
  • AssumedNameAssumedName Member Posts: 583 ★★★
    Regen is just counter intuitive to his sig, you want to be on lower health to make the most of him. If he keeps healing you lose damage and in some ways I’d actually see that as more of a nerf than a buff. Besides, he’s already one of the top science champs, poison immune, very high damage output, hard hitting specials and can stun lock for a while. Really doesn’t need any further buffs imo.
    That is a good point but surely it is giving him a second chance? Imagine getting hulk smash but then dying after one hit coz u r versing a beefy champ.Ur gaining the regen coz although a damage reduction, it means he’ll survive longer. It’s not like it’s gonna nerf his damage, ur still gonna reach like 20% health but it’ll take longer and overall making hulk a better champ for sheer survivability aswell as good damage.
  • GrubGrub Member Posts: 258 ★★★
    edited January 2018
    They are buffing hulk with synergies now. If you don’t want hulk to die when he gets hulk smash @20% health then team him with Thor Ragnarok he goes indestructible for 5 seconds and if you put void in also he immediately gains a bar of power also.
  • AssumedNameAssumedName Member Posts: 583 ★★★
    edited January 2018
    Grub wrote: »
    They are buffing hulk with synergies now. If you don’t want hulk to die when he gets hulk smash @20% health then team him with Thor Ragnarok he goes indestructible for 5 seconds and if you put void in also he immediately gains a bar of power also.
    That is very true. However I want him to gain these abilities without having a full team of other champs. I don't want to need certain champs just so he can gain regen. But yes I did forget that and I appreciate your input.
  • RaozSkillzRaozSkillz Member Posts: 27
    No matter what abilities Hulk has he should be able to regenerate. The Juggernaut is the only character I know from the comics that can regenerate faster than the Hulk. Yet Hulk can keep up with any healing factor if he's angry enough and due to his ability to mutate himself to adapt to any situation/environment. Kabam need to give him some sort of healing factor, it makes no sense that the character with the most regenerative potential can't regen in this game.
  • KhanMedinaKhanMedina Member Posts: 927 ★★★
    RaozSkillz wrote: »
    No matter what abilities Hulk has he should be able to regenerate. The Juggernaut is the only character I know from the comics that can regenerate faster than the Hulk. Yet Hulk can keep up with any healing factor if he's angry enough and due to his ability to mutate himself to adapt to any situation/environment. Kabam need to give him some sort of healing factor, it makes no sense that the character with the most regenerative potential can't regen in this game.

    They can't even get Cable and Bucky's metal arms to stop switching sides. Keeping things accurate isn't their thing.
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  • AssumedNameAssumedName Member Posts: 583 ★★★
    It’s not just accuracy, I think these buffs would kinda suit hulk.
  • GrimmbearGrimmbear Member Posts: 639 ★★★
    RaozSkillz wrote: »
    No matter what abilities Hulk has he should be able to regenerate. The Juggernaut is the only character I know from the comics that can regenerate faster than the Hulk. Yet Hulk can keep up with any healing factor if he's angry enough and due to his ability to mutate himself to adapt to any situation/environment. Kabam need to give him some sort of healing factor, it makes no sense that the character with the most regenerative potential can't regen in this game.

    Again. These aren't the exact same characters from the comics. These are a different version. Comics don't apply.
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