Uncollected crystal for non uncollected?

Me and my friend are both above level 40 but haven’t finished act 5 chapter 2 but see a 3-5 star mornigstar crystal? Is this a glitch or a real event that karma sent out.
Were you uncollected
Nope only on 5.2.4
How do you figure that? She has multiple counters, Magik, AA, GP, which make it possible to one-shot her. The Collector is waaaay harder. There are no counters to him, just ways to delay dying.
im still trying the pessimist/optimist route, did you take that path afterwards, if so,any tips for punisher? if i can beat him on one go then i will have no problems the rest of the quest
Just use a power control champ against Punisher! Harder specials to fully evade and you take a lot of blocking damage!! Punisher with no specials is a walk in the park!!
This shouldn't happen!! Lots of players are telling me the same thing!!
You guys have no idea what type of frustration we had to go though to become Uncollected and they just release the crystal to everyone!! Not cool!!
You can grow your roster so fast with those crystals!!
Agreed!!!! LOL
Thank you for the info!
Im waiting to see if Kabam is going to address this!!
Other players are sending me their crazy 5* pulls from those crystals!!
5* hero for 300 units for a level 25 player....not quite the balance we are looking for!!
Work hard on being Collected and something like this happens where other benefit a bit for once!! Let it be!!!
Youre my voice of reasoning mate!!
I now agree with you!!
Let them keep it
Lets fight for eachother instead of fighting eachother!!
I edited it and it got eaten temporarily
But yeah I agree with the sentiment that it is a glitch that shouldn't happen since they had not earned it yet... but still happy for whomever got a 5* from it