$500+ in units... For 1/3 a 5* what a joke

Guys, I'm not good at Spanish but wow! 16,000+ units / 3,000 per Odin = 5.3 ($530.00) plus taxes for uhhh 3,000 5* shards?
Recap - 1/3 5* crystal for over $500.
I get it, escalating price points and deminiahing marginal utility don't go together. Whoever deleloped this waste of space should be fired. Myself being one of your supporting customers (likely not for long), it would be nice to see a deal that isn't a total waste of time. I know this will get nowhere because that's typical kabam but maybe someone will take a hint there.

Recap - 1/3 5* crystal for over $500.
I get it, escalating price points and deminiahing marginal utility don't go together. Whoever deleloped this waste of space should be fired. Myself being one of your supporting customers (likely not for long), it would be nice to see a deal that isn't a total waste of time. I know this will get nowhere because that's typical kabam but maybe someone will take a hint there.

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That ally needs help themself
Username checks out.
Kabam have already said they had to stick a limit on so agreed on 30 for all items. They’re not expecting people to max out but don’t want to put a lower max limit on and have people complain that they can’t buy enough.
I looked this morning and bought 3x the 5* shards as that’s all I had available with units. If I had more I would have bought more until the prices got too high.
The point of this store is clearly to give regular items to 'top up' or push you over to a new crystal/resource rather than for people to buy the max amount each time.
The point here is not to buy all of the Items, but be able to top up on items that you may be interested in. Originally, there was a lower purchase limit, but we decided to raise it for all items to 30. There may be some items that show up that you might want 30 of, but we're staying consistent with all items.
If you don't want to buy all 30, just don't do it. It's up to you to decide how much you want to invest, and what you want to get back for that amount.
Closing this thread down because there is no more to add.