Hyperion- balance issues

Hyperions unlimited use of power gain is disruptive to game balance. Its not consistent with other champs that have similar abilities. They have timers, cool downs and specific conditions. It doesn't matter if he's counterspelled or nulled. He gets it immediately after. Perhaps he should have a cooldown like Mordo. Per the dev teams goal to have players use an array of champs and masteries, there a simply too few options to deal with his unlimited power. Please take a look at it. Thanks.


  • TKalTKal Member Posts: 534 ★★
    Kawalsky wrote: »
    Hyperions unlimited use of power gain is disruptive to game balance. Its not consistent with other champs that have similar abilities. They have timers, cool downs and specific conditions. It doesn't matter if he's counterspelled or nulled. He gets it immediately after. Perhaps he should have a cooldown like Mordo. Per the dev teams goal to have players use an array of champs and masteries, there a simply too few options to deal with his unlimited power. Please take a look at it. Thanks.

    I Think they already know that he is too powerful.
    They made him a boss of the event quests, with nodes such as power gain increased and buff duration longer
  • 420down420down Member Posts: 170
    Witch and magik still wreck him. He is easy as a map 6 mini and best suited as an attacker. So why would you want him changed.
  • TKalTKal Member Posts: 534 ★★
    420down wrote: »
    Witch and magik still wreck him. He is easy as a map 6 mini and best suited as an attacker. So why would you want him changed.

    See that's a problem. Not everyone has either SW or Magik.
    It's not because at your level Hyperion is not a problem, that he isn't a problem for everyone.
    Kabam knows he is really strong has a defenser, they wouldn't have placed him in map 6 otherwise
  • gatra_hpgatra_hp Member Posts: 98
    theres nothing wrong about him.
    youre just weak.
  • KawalskyKawalsky Member Posts: 5
    edited June 2017
    Gatra thats an inappropriate statement. The point is balance. I have r5/50 DS with sig77. So i can deal with it. It doesnt change the fact that he needs some tuning to be consistent similar with champs. Being on nodes is one thing versus unlimited power gain as standard ability.
  • OGHeRRoOGHeRRo Member Posts: 113
    @Kawalsky, hyp is a strong fighter and good defender, but you have to realize all new champs without a shadow of doubt will have better abilities than older heroes. there are a lot of counters/ heroes to use against hyp. I could list them all but I'm sure you already know who they are. Also Hyp already has a cool down, if your low on health and need his regen after it's activated he's in cool down mode and can't power gain. Asking or suggesting a nerf due to difficulty a fighting a hero isn't the best way to go, simply because kabam doesn't take an inch they take a mile. The simple true fact is that hyp's power gain can be negated and stopped. It's nothing something like dorm's degen from gaining any buff(dexterity almost all use it) that is completely unavoidable and can't be stopped.
  • OGHeRRoOGHeRRo Member Posts: 113
    Also for options hero wise I guess I'll list them just in case there's a few that people have forgotten

    Counter to hyp:
    magjik (nullify, power lock)
    Doc ( nullify , fate seal)
    Voodoo( power burn)
    OG vision( power burn/ steal)
    Vision( power burn/steal)
    Yondu( -50 decrease power gain)
    SW (nullify, power lock)
    GR( fate seal, damnation)
    Dorm( power drain)
    WS ( sporadic power drain)
    Rogue( power steal)
    Pyslocke(power lock)
    Loki( buff steal)

    I know I am missing a couple more but that's 13 champs that can stop hyps power gain.
  • KawalskyKawalsky Member Posts: 5
    Thanks for the input. I use Magicke, SW, DS and Vision too. However his power gain goes right back near-immediately when nulled or counterspelled. I havent seen him have a cool down like Visions Synthesis or Mordo, hence the inquiry. If thats by design, then oh-well. I know they had to address that the gain should have been able to be nulled and it wasnt. Thx again for input.
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