4 million alliance looking for 7+ players

We are a friendly alliance weekly active on AQ map 5-5-3-3-3 advanced tier and using line app.
We also have 2 weekly war at tier 5.
We are trying to replace some inactive players to step up together!
We are looking for about 7 active player's 150k+!
Donation target 70k gold - 20k battlechips - 10k loyalty.
If interested contact me on line app.
Line ID: lukeskywalkerj
We also have 2 weekly war at tier 5.
We are trying to replace some inactive players to step up together!
We are looking for about 7 active player's 150k+!
Donation target 70k gold - 20k battlechips - 10k loyalty.
If interested contact me on line app.
Line ID: lukeskywalkerj