Synergy bonus clarification

DuMonUDuMonU Member Posts: 54
Just looking for some feedback on synergies. Went into ROL to do some testing with the following team
X23, Ghost Rider, Hawkeye, Iceman (Ice adds 115 Crit Dam rating). This was my base testing then I added Spidey classic who should add a 5% attack bonus. Results were as follows using just X23.
L1 - Base test - 494 with spidey - 510 = 3.24% increase not 5%
L2 - Base test - 770 with spidey - 796 = 3.38% increase not 5%
C1 - Base test - 1550 with spidey - 1663 = 7.29% increase (I presume higher than 5% with iceman synergy added)
C2 - Base test - 2418 with spidey - 2594 = 7.28% increase (I presume higher than 5% with iceman synergy added)
Bleed - Base test - 284 with spidey - 294 = 3.52% increase not 5%

3.2 to 5 is not a lot but am just curious how these synergy rates work. For a 3% increase is it worth it to bring in spidey or forget about the synergy and bring in a better offensive champ. If anyone has insight into these numbers it would be greatly appreciated.



  • LaylicLaylic Member Posts: 88
    The 5% attack bonus is only a 5% increase to your base attack. It doesn't include masteries, boosts or class advantage. Your attack damage and bleeds go off the overall attack you have including mastery, boosts, class advantage and synergies. Your overall attack only increased about 3.5% for that fight which is why your only seeing the 3.5% increase for basic attacks and bleeds. Notice the attack granted from class advantage is the same with or without the spidey synergy.
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