Looking for 9 mil +

10k frags shy of a 4700+ prestige.
Can clear AQ and AW path with minimal to no item use.
Very active open communication
Not an arena grinder but big points in all other events
Not a big spender but 3300 units saved
ESTtime zone

Looking for a 5*5 closing in on t4cc or map 5 with a starting day of map 6. Looking for fun, down to earth, active, loyal people to call home with.

Line is mezzer18


  • DrMezzDrMezz Member Posts: 5
    Also less than half of 1 t2a from closing in on 4900+ prestige
  • OmniOmni Member Posts: 574 ★★★
    Messaged you on line
  • SFPDSFPD Member Posts: 7
    Messaged you on line already
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