5* Pool

Guess ive been thinking about the 5* pool alot latley and i just cant help but think kabam is shooting themselves in the foot.
Im sure most of us have LOL in mind and to even get a first completion, u need certain champs
Every sub par pull i get just puts me a step furthur and furthur behind (and prolongs the inevitable $$$ unit drop im gonna spend) and im sure discourages new/mid players from advancing their account.
My only hope for the 6* pool is that it only contains usefull champs as im sure the 5* pool did in its infant stage
Hopefully when 6*s are available itll all be star lords and magiks etc.
Champs your excited to dupe and play with in endgame content.
Really feel like kabam needs to re assess the current 5* pool in the meantime.
Im more likley to attempt LOL (i.e. give yall money)
With a 5* wolvie, sw, or thor than i am with a netflix daredevil/ms marvel

May actually rage quit if i pull a 6* Hulkbuster or anything that is at best, a time consuming aw defender
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