I need help!

Hey CosmicRay here and I have a predicament on my hands. In a forum I did yesterday I said that I have ZERO Iso-8. But I KEEP GETTING 4* CHAMPS! I know it may not sound very important to you. But do you know how frustrating it is to have 5 4* champs that are only at Rank 1 and 5 4* champs you haven't even leveled! Like in the past week I have gotten 3 4* from PHC!!! So I was wondering if any of you COC ultimate master legend people would like to tell me on how to get more ISO-8 I know Story mode helps and Arena is good to but I'm not on as much as I would like to. So I need a get rich quick method to get me up! And if you say Duping champs then could you say How to get more? I know there is probably no way to make sure you get dupes but if there is could you share your secret?
Sorry this is so long. I did my best to shorten it XD
Sorry this is so long. I did my best to shorten it XD
Act 3, Chapter 4, Quest 1. You can run through it twice and cover the paths that have ISO. Aside from that I would advise you to not worry about ranking up unduped 4*s unless they are god tier.
Oh yeah I've finished act 4. Not 100% but I've 100% completed chapter 1 and one more quest in chapter to and I 100% that as well so no worries
Well I'm not uncollected. Im waiting till I have at LEAST one rank 5 4* or a Rank 3 5* and I want to 100% complete act 4 as well. If only it didn't suck up all your energy lol
I manage to maintain my stash in some kind of steady-state equilibrium, in which I continue to keep my ISO stash around 1000+ overflow, BUT the first to expire are more than 1 week away, so I'm now in a state of never worry to run out of ISO, regularly R4 my 3*, regularly R3 my 4* (but I'll R4 those top tier, and R5 God tier), and once awhile R2 a 5* (or R3 the god tier 5*) .... and to continue to maintain this, I continue to get Class ISO from dupping champs (via crystal opening, and I get crystals from Arena grinding and various rewards), and I continue to get Generic ISO from Daily quests and Story quests (especially Act 4) and various other ad-hoc events and rewards.
Try to find your way, soon you will find the right recipe to keep your ISO flowing in (if you are active, you can also continue to get catalysts and gold as well, since these 2 are very important for leveling & ranking up too). My T4cc and T2a are coming in much slower than my T4b and T1a, but that's a separately topic