7 mil alliance looking for a couple motivated players.

[K-O-A] Killers of Anarchy
Line required
Highly organized
Weekly requirements are easily met by active players. That is the reason for this post. We had some less than active members that had to be removed. If you want to grow, this is the place for you. I was 72k when I joined, I’ll hit 250k next week. All we ask is that you be an adult. We all work jobs and still play aggressive. Our Line can get racy from time to time. That’s why we prefer adult members.

Weekly donations:
20k gold
5k Battle Chips
2k Loyalty

Event Requirements:
9k SA (most hit 20k)
650 points Duels
3 day - 15k points
Daily Events - Participate
Perfect Series - Participate
Item Use - Use your stuff

We normally reach rank in SA by Sunday at the latest. We hold after that unless crystals are needed for solo events.

What we require in new recruits:
Be an adult
Be active
Follow instructions (BG assignments for quest and war)
175k minimum size requirement for your own good. We have members over 500k and high prestige, so the wars and AQ can be tough for smaller summoners, really tough by the end of the week. (Trust me, I was there not long ago)
Have a sense of humor! This is a game. Trust your team, we’ll get you paid and force you to grow.

Line ID - WeezerKDI


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