10.7 mil chill needs a few

Contact me in game or on LINE— Alliance tag: [A.O] Rebel Elite
My IGN: EthnutZ
My LINE ID: ethx
5x5 AQ with an occasional low map if on a holiday or anything like that. 3 BG AW, we usually go no items so if we win we win and if we lose we lose. No stress! Need a couple of players that communicate and follow strategy to not waste moves in AQ/AW and finish easy. We dont have minimums in any other event but hit SA goals every week and usually hit all completion milestones. Donations are minimum req’d for our AQ runs. We used to be hardcore but have scaled back to stop worrying about prestige etc and are enjoying the game while still getting great rewards. This means we are accepting lower players than we used to as long as they can keep up and communicate. AT LEAST ENOUGH 5/50s and/or r3 5*s TO COVER BOTH ATTACK TEAMS. Contact me on LINE or in game please. Thanks
My IGN: EthnutZ
My LINE ID: ethx
5x5 AQ with an occasional low map if on a holiday or anything like that. 3 BG AW, we usually go no items so if we win we win and if we lose we lose. No stress! Need a couple of players that communicate and follow strategy to not waste moves in AQ/AW and finish easy. We dont have minimums in any other event but hit SA goals every week and usually hit all completion milestones. Donations are minimum req’d for our AQ runs. We used to be hardcore but have scaled back to stop worrying about prestige etc and are enjoying the game while still getting great rewards. This means we are accepting lower players than we used to as long as they can keep up and communicate. AT LEAST ENOUGH 5/50s and/or r3 5*s TO COVER BOTH ATTACK TEAMS. Contact me on LINE or in game please. Thanks