Beating stacked Iron man regen?



  • AgentOfSHIELDAgentOfSHIELD Member Posts: 50
    Star Lord for Iron Man Ronan for WM and Rogue for everyone else easy clear
  • Son_of_OdinSon_of_Odin Member Posts: 50
    JewJaws wrote: »
    gg and the hood (staggered)

    Hood doesnt stagger the regen, hex does no good either...but it works on his natural armor ups and overload tho
  • SjanddsSjandds Member Posts: 117
    Use a high bleed damage champ. i did all paths solo by aa 5*r4 undupe . Well i took a top team but i was able to use only aa for path and iceman for bp. Just remember to take a bleed immune champ for bp as he gives 5 stack of bleed when you block his attack. If you have dupe aa it will best as he also reduces ability. Good thing about this challenge is tht none of the champ is bleed immune
  • TheHoodedDormammuTheHoodedDormammu Member Posts: 1,448 ★★★
    Spurgeo14 wrote: »
    I went through the new MJ challenge once just to get a feel for it. Then I did the hardest path and took everyone down except Iron Man no problem. But his regen is insane and power is drained so who do I use to beat him? I thought of Guillotine but again power drain is problem. Would Yondu be the best option? Or who?

    If u had MD, then you could get guillotines sp2 and then stay back. Since Iron Mans regen is exponential due to the node, u shud be able to kill him easily
  • NohmahNohmah Member Posts: 1
    3* Yondu crushed this for me, so easy. King Groot, Green Goblin, and Sup Iron Man this week. Last week was Voodoo, Wolverine, and Deadpool, also cleared easily with a 3* Yondu. I wish I had a better heal blocker but this dude puts in the work.
  • MagrailothosMagrailothos Member Posts: 6,206 ★★★★★
    So how did it go, @Spurgeo14? Did you get past him?

    Overall, sounds like a heavy DoT champ like AA, GP or Drax is best, with maxed despair.

    Have to agree that the final Iron Man was vastly more difficult for me than the 'Boss', BPCW; who was a relative pushover. I didn't have the best DoT team; so found IM very tricky. Hope you got him!
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