5.2.1 Guillotine sp2 bug

Jackie2CokesJackie2Cokes Member Posts: 207 ★★
Fighting Wolverine in 5.2.1, landing Gully's sp2 does not reverse Wolverine's healing at all, let alone with the uptick due to the +400% node.

Her bleed was only going off for 122 per, which seems extremely low for the +400% buff.

If the node was applied properly, such as WW2 bleed, Gully's bleed would be higher and a properly landed sp2 would result Wolverine dying immediately.


  • GamerGamer Member Posts: 11,447 ★★★★★
    Cap bleed coms from a Sp2. So and gul bleed com from. Just hit But im agred with you.
  • Jackie2CokesJackie2Cokes Member Posts: 207 ★★
    Ok, I would see why a simple bleed from hit isn't +400% since it's not from a special.

    But why doesn't her sp2 reverse healing at all? It should however be amplified by the node
  • BoomslaangBoomslaang Member Posts: 1
    I am having the same issue! I just recorded a video of my sp2 going off , and it barely does damage ( while he is on regen) and I don't get any souls from it
  • MaskguyOriginalMaskguyOriginal Member Posts: 13
    Did you check to make sure you have 2 souls before launching SP2? It won't reverse heal unless you launch with 2 souls on you at the time of strike. For Wolverine in ROL it is near impossible to get souls stacks because you won't be able to lower his hp enough due to regen. You start with 4 stacks of souls and lose a stack every 10 seconds. If you launched your SP2 less than 30 seconds into the match then it won't work.
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