6* release please release also 5* SW

Hey kabam before anything else about releasing a 6* some of us requesting that please release also SCarlet wich as 5* champion for the true balance of the game your contest is already 3yrs and u are planing to release the 6* and our 4* scarlet wich, black widow, thor, Dr. Strange if not released in 5* it will be put in trash please release scarlet wich or gift us 5* scarlet wich those who have 4* scarlet


  • Lunchbox45Lunchbox45 Member Posts: 250 ★★
    I'll be shocked the day they release a 5 star SW. Think of the power she would have. Rank 5/65 Sig 200 she would be dealing 40-60k damage with SP2 if her fury/cruelty stacked and at sig 200 her proc would be higher than 85% for the current 4 star version. Doubt we will see her. Do you see a 5 star Deadpool (OG)?
  • BrutalMiraBrutalMira Member Posts: 235
    Hope they will release that tired of seing 5* duck or 6* duck
  • WhatRYouWhatRYou Member Posts: 443 ★★
    BrutalMira wrote: »
    Hope they will release that tired of seing 5* duck or 6* duck

    Good news, 6* Duck isn't in the first pool!!!
    SW and Thor are way too strong, don't need much skills to go through all contents with those 2 IMO!!!
    Don't get me wrong, I want them as 5* champs!! :)
  • SungjSungj Member Posts: 2,117 ★★★★★
    I doubt scarlet switch will be added but they should definitely consider adding wolverine, thor and black widow
  • AfridAfrid Member Posts: 529 ★★
    I don't think they will add wolverine.Even as a 4* his regen is just OP.Think about how much a 5/65 wolvie would regen at full power.
  • Alpha07Alpha07 Member Posts: 649 ★★
    Yeah. they don't want us to explore Act 5 that easily lol. also SW might be OP as a 5* as i've read her chances to proc her effects so she may never exist as 5-6 star.

    i would like to see Vision (AOU) and WW2 Cap as a 5 star though.
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