Mastery Advice/Recommendations?

Where to put this 1 Mastery Point?
Im thinking Willpower, but whats so good about salve? Would it increase the amount of health regen in general, or just let me receive 2 hp per second instead of 1?

Im thinking Willpower, but whats so good about salve? Would it increase the amount of health regen in general, or just let me receive 2 hp per second instead of 1?

What about the health loss?
Max Deep Wounds
Max Glass Canon
Put some points in Mystic dispersion for AW defence (optional)
Remove points from Limber it's not really necessary, good only for AW defence.
Remove points from Perfect Block, not really necessary. I'd suggest you to remove all 4 points from Perfect Block.
If I remove from perfect block, I wont have the willpower though right?
If I took out from perfect block and the 1 from willpower, I can allocate to max deep wounds and get a couple in glass cannon I suppose